Where were you born and raised;
Keizer, OR
Educational background;
Bachelors in Business Administration, University of Washington
Master of Professional Accounting, University of Washington
Brief employment history:
Senior Manager, Acquisition Integration – Banfield Pet Hospital – 2017 to present
Assurance Manager (Associate, Senior) – PricewaterhouseCoopers – 2012-2017
Earliest horse memory:
Riding the ponies in Black Butte with my dad walking next to me.
Hobbies other than riding:
Loving on my dogs, watching college football (Go Huskies!), reading, boating
Heroes and inspirations;
My mom, who sacrificed quite a lot for me to be able to ride as a kid, and my dad and step-mom for coming out and being so supportive! Also, my husband, who grew up in Portland and had never been around horses before marrying me (I wasn’t even riding when we met/started dating/got married…Surprise!) Everyone warned him how much money and time would be spent in these endeavors, but it never really prepares you. And through it all he has been supportive and has learned the sport (and is now my FEI groom!). And my trainers, Anna Collier and John Camlin, who always manage to get the best out of the horses they ride and the people they train.
Anything folks would be surprised to learn about you:
I’m deathly terrified of cougars and sharks.
Where do you hope to be in 10 years;
Eventing with family in tow!