Where were you born and raised;
Born: Harvey, IL, Raised in Chicago suburbs
Educational background; Master’s Degree in Teaching, Bachelor’s Psychology
Brief employment history: Wildly varied…. American Bar Association, Edelman Public Relations, Chicago Bike Messenger, Professional Bike Racer, Cycling Coach, CDL Bus Driver, to name a few. Currently working as a Service Coordinator for the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Infant Toddler Program
Earliest horse memory: Maybe 2 years old? Looking out the window driving on the Hwy and pointing at horses in the field and wanting to ride them
Hobbies other than riding: Road Cycling
Heroes and inspirations; Lucinda Green, My husband.
Anything folks would be surprised to learn about you: My horse friends are surprised that I used to ride bikes. My bike friends are surprised that I ride horses J
Where do you hope to be in 10 years; I hope to be living in my current home, but being able to afford some travel.