June 9, 2020

To:  USEA Area VII Members and Competitors

From:  The USEA Area VII Chair

Subject:  June 2020 Newsletter – Competition Season and Area Update

Greetings to all Area VII members. I hope this finds you well, especially during this crazy year.

I am happy to be able to say the Area VII eventing season is finally getting ready to start with our first event of this year at Rebecca Farm in July.  Please see the event website and FB page for more information and details.

At this time, with the exception of EI, which has unfortunately had to cancel all of its activities this year (see their website at www.EINW.org for details), it appears the remainder of our events should be able to run as scheduled.  This is, however, dependent on numerous factors, including the progress of the various phased openings in the different states and counties within which the events are held.

After much thought, the Area VII Council has decided we will not host an Area Championships this year. There is simply too much uncertainty and it also doesn’t seem right to look to our always generous sponsors and donors for their support when so many businesses have suffered financially due to being closed during the pandemic.  Reminder – if you need anything, please support our sponsors and donors!

There are many new rules, regulations and safety protocols. It’s the responsibility of the competitors to know, understand and comply with the various rules, so don’t be caught unaware Masks are required at all times while unmounted on competition grounds when you are within 6’ of another person (for everyone, not just competitors) so ALWAYS have a mask with you and be ready to put it on.

Here are two very helpful USEF and USEA links that contain what you need to know regarding new rules and recommendations:         https://www.usef.org/forms-pubs/5Qx7zDlFvXs/usef-covid-19-rule-modificationshttps://useventing.com/safety-education/safety/covid-19-resources

In addition to reading and understanding the new competition rules in this new era of COVID -19, please stay informed by seeking guidance  from appropriate State and Federal resources.  Since all of our events after Rebecca Farm are in Washington, here's the link to the Washington State requirements for the phased reopening: https://www.governor.wa.gov/sites/default/files/SafeStartWA_4May20_1pm.pdf

Given the ongoing developing situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, please recognize that the priority of Area VII leadership and organizers is the health and well-being of our membership, competitors, volunteers and spectators. There are new requirements for all of us and it is important for us to comply with the new safety rules to better protect everyone. Non-compliance may result in elimination and/or being required to leave the grounds.

Also, please carefully read the entry forms, refund policies and waivers that you are required to sign as some of this has changed from prior years.

Whether you are competing or choosing to stay home this year, I wish you and your equine partners a safe and healthy summer!

Best Regards,

Cynthia Bayles,  Area VII Chair